Tuesday, 25 August 2015

10 Menu Foods that Only There in Indonesia

For JBers ever migrated to other country,
certainly ever felt that the name `homesick`.
May miss the family home, the atmosphere
and the environment, and even the
Indonesian cuisine. Although there is a
restaurant that sells Indonesian food, but
still produces a different flavor. The
following will discuss 10 JadiBerita food
menu that only exist in Indonesia. Curious?
Let directly, we see the following article.


Meatballs is
one that will shake up the menu JBers
tongue when tasting it. Although in other
countries there is any menu meatballs are
known as meatball, but the way they are
presented different course. Meatballs that
exist only in Indonesia is Malang meatballs
and grilled meatballs. Who is not familiar
with meatballs Malang? Malang meatballs
served with hot broth, may be accompanied
with noodles or rice noodles, dumplings,
fried foods, and vegetables are also
provided diverse, ranging from cabbage,
mustard greens or lettuce. In addition to
Malang meatballs, grilled meatballs is also
one of the specialties of the city of Malang.
Grilled meatballs is processed by burning
over charcoal and watered special
seasoning. Hmmm, it was certainly delicious


Soto is one of Indonesian food served with gravy and stuffed with meat, vegetables and a variety of spices. Uniquely, soto in Indonesia has various types according to their area. For instance there is the Holy soup typical Holy city, Bandung soto, soto Betawi, Soto Madura and others. One mainstay menu is typical soto Betawi Jakarta. Soto soto Betawi himself did not like the other. He has a thick creamy sauce because it is colored with coconut milk. Problem meat used, soto Betawi be presented using beef, lamb or chicken. Soto Betawi will be blended with chives and fried onions served with crackers and chips are not to be missed. Hmmm, yummyyy ...

3. Rendang

Rendang is based menu of meat mixed with various spices such as coriander, turmeric and various other herbs. Rendang Padang is the typical menu that is rich in flavor and very legit. It was indeed tend to be salty, with a thick sauce that sticks because of the spices used too much. Usually the flesh is soft and leaves a delicious taste on the tongue when eaten with hot rice.


Pempek is a typical menu of Palembang. Pempek made from raw materials processed fish with flour with a variety of unique shapes. There are so-called submarine, lenjer, and others. This pempek normally be eaten with a sauce made of dilute vinegar sauce and sugar. In addition, there are additional noodles and pickles in it. When eaten, tongue JBers be really spoiled because there are savory, sweet, sour and salty all at once.

5. Gudeg

One typical Indonesian menu not to be missed is the typical warm Jogja. The menu is a mix of vegetable warm young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk and brown sugar. Gudeg presented also by a complementary form of various side dishes such as fried chicken, fried tempeh, boiled eggs until crackers cowhide. Guged has a distinctive taste of Yogyakarta, which feels inclined sweet and sticky. This Gudeg will feel complete when eaten with hot rice. JBers definitely want to add again, again, and again.

6. Gorengan

When it comes to fried foods , almost all regions in Indonesia has its own typical fried. There fried foods made from soybean called tempe menjes mendoan or typical Purwokerto. Then there are also the typical Bandung molen banana, fried plantains, fried sweet potatoes, heci or bakwan vegetables, cireng and others. How to enjoy this warm fried foods were varied. Some use red sauce, some are using green chili, cayenne / cengek or chili paste.

7. Opor chicken

curry chicken is a menu-based chicken, potatoes, eggs and gravy bersantan. Opor usually presented with the diamond in the month of Ramadan. Thick broth with a sprinkling of fried onions, with a touch of coriander, turmeric and coconut milk that is distinctive and makes them long. This menu is second to none, and will make JBers miss being migrated abroad.

8. rawon Menu Rawon is one of the typical menu of Indonesia who came from East Java. Rawon rely on two main ingredients, namely kluwek / keluwak / kluak and beef. Kluwek / keluwak / kluak these have happened that would result in the color of broth rawon be black. Coupled with other spices are quite kicking like onion, cilantro, scallions, and lemongrass, rawon will taste delicious when eaten with hot rice.


Menu this one might exist in some other countries. So what specialnya? When the fried rice is a menu that is generally present in the restaurant, fried rice in Indonesia is also one of the rescuers menu for children's costume ya. Surely JBers becoming ever felt children's boarding will remember a time when there is brother-brother sellers hawking fried rice fried rice with a cart. The brothers will bring the gong, there banging pans

10. Gadogado

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